With the Collection Explorer, you can make the hidden treasures of your collection accessible to a wide audience and digitally expand your limited physical exhibition space. Thanks to the interface to the market-leading tool MuseumPlus (zetcom), integration into your existing collection management system is seamless.



Features such as timelines, automatic search suggestions, topic browsers and 360° views offer your users extended access to extensive, otherwise hidden depot holdings.

Visualisation and digital storytelling also make it possible to communicate art and cultural data in an innovative way and place exhibition objects in surprising contexts. Whether basic or high-end customised: we adapt the Collection Explorer to your ideas and work with you to find the best solution for the digital exploration of your depot treasures.

Click here for the Collection Explorer of the Louvre Abu Dhabi.


  • Data from MuseumPlus (interface)
  • Various views (masonry, tile, list)
  • Filter and search functions (with auto-complete)
  • PDF download detail page
  • Perma-link to all object pages
  • CMS configuration possible

Various views and filter options enable extended access to objects in the exhibition, as well as to the museum’s extensive and constantly growing depot. This opens up completely new ways of conveying knowledge and presenting the collection.

Collection Explorer Detail

Make your hidden collection treasures digitally accessible

Whether you are a small institution or a large museum – we will be happy to advise you on the possibilities of a Collection Explorer specifically for your depot. Based on your framework conditions and specifications, we will customise everything so that your collection treasures are optimally accessible digitally.

Make an appointment now with our digital collection exploration expert Kasra Seirafi: kasra@fluxguide.com